Should I Eat Paleo?

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Should I Eat Paleo?

Written by
Steve Rimmer

Should I Eat Paleo?

Written by
Steve Rimmer

I wanted to know if the Paleo Diet could really live up to all of its hype. The only way to do this was to try eating Paleo myself and monitoring how it affected my body compared to my typical diet. I've eaten Paleo for over half of a month now and the results are in! Check them out here:

The results I got from eating Paleo were definitely positive. Although my strength didn’t increase at the same rate it did while eating how I normally do, the changes to my body composition were much better then eating Paleo. Eating Paleo foods may not have been all that enjoyable however once I got the foods down I felt incredible! I felt like there was nothing in the world that could stop me. I was an unstoppable force! But this doesn’t mean that Paleo is the perfect concept. All of the research I conducted on the diet taught me that Paleo was founded on the idea that the foods we evolved eating are the only foods we should ever eat. From my deduction, this principle was created for simplicity, not efficacy. What I mean by that is this; just because we didn’t evolve as consumers of a specific thing, does not mean that it can’t be used to make our lives better. Modern science has improved the quality of life for billions of people. Preventative medicine’s stopped the spread of Ebola through North America before an outbreak took place. Malaria, the deadliest disease in human history, is being eradicated. Assuming that science can’t be just as revolutionary in foods is irrational and naïve. Paleo is an excellent starting point for building an optimal diet. We can confidently say that all Paleo foods are very healthy to consume. They’re also generally more expensive, less convenient, and less delicious than their modern day counterparts. Here is my recommendation: Eat strict Paleo for a few weeks to establish a baseline of how you feel physically and mentally. Then experiment. Add one new type of food for a week and see how it affects you compared to your baseline. For example, add in Protein Powder for a week. Do you notice any negative impacts? If not, continue using it in your diet. If yes, remove it and continue experimenting. Repeat this process and you will carve your path to your optimal diet. There’s no dietician, nutritionist, doctor, or expert in any field who can tell you precisely what the best diet is. The only person who can figure that out is you. Taking control of your own nutrition is the first step to carving your path to your idealized future. And I'm here to help. Next week I will be starting my experiment with Pre-Workout supplements. Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel to see all video updates!