What is Pre Workout? (C4 Edition)

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What is Pre Workout? (C4 Edition)

Written by
Steve Rimmer

What is Pre Workout? (C4 Edition)

Written by
Steve Rimmer

Pre-workout supplements are one of the most popular performance enhancing products for improving performance in the gym. The marketing teams for these pre workout supplements would like you to believe that taking pre workout leads to better performance, greater strength gains, improved endurance, and enhanced muscle pumps. But what magical substances are they adding to these products to give you these benefits? That, they are less inclined to explain. In this video I explain five of the most common ingredients found in pre workout supplements, C4 in particular. These  are some of the most well researched and promising ingredients available. However, just because they are well researched and show some promise doesn't necessarily mean that they're effective.

There is no compelling evidence that any of these ingredients will provide significant results but there also isn't much evidence that they won't work either. Like most topics in the fitness industry, the efficacy of pre workout supplements is highly debated. Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel to see how C4 affected me. Next week I will cover what to avoid if you are choosing a pre workout supplement.