Should I Take Creatine?

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Should I Take Creatine?

Written by
Steve Rimmer

Should I Take Creatine?

Written by
Steve Rimmer

Creatine is thought to be the most effective supplement for increasing strength and muscle mass. As one of the most well researched sport supplements, creatine does not lack it's supporter's. But, like any supplement, for every supporter there's opposition. Some people claim that creatine is like legalized steroids while other's claim it has more similarities to snake oil. Well, I put these debates to the test by tying creatine for myself. Here are my results

Creatine is not a miracle supplement. It alone won't get you into the shape you want. But, when it's combined with effective dieting and exercise, creatine can be a great addition to your regimen. Get your diet and exercise in check and then experiment with creatine. See if it is effective for you and your goals. Make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel to see all of the future fitness concepts that I test. If you have anything that you would like to see tested, leave it in the comments below.