What is the best workout program?

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What is the best workout program?

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Steve Rimmer

What is the best workout program?

Written by
Steve Rimmer

With thousands of workout programs available through a simple google search, it's nearly impossible to know which to choose. So many of these programs claim that if followed correctly, you'll build more muscle or lose more fat than any other program around. Most of the workout plans that make these claims are completely different from one another. How can working out three days a week on one program possibly be the best if another programs claims six day splits are also supposed to be best?? They can't. That's why I decided to test a three, four, and six day workout program to find out what the best workout split really was. This video summarizes my results.

Now, just knowing that working out 5 days on, one day off and repeating the cycle works best for me does not necessarily mean that it works best for everyone. If your extremely dedicated to finding the best workout split, you should follow the same measurement protocols that I did. If you would like more information regarding how to use or understand this template please leave a comment below and I will feature and article on it Be sure to subscribe to the channel and visit the website next week as I begin to test the effectiveness of a Paleo Diet.